.. We are putting the title as a raw HTML so that it doesn't appear in the contents .. warning:: | **Nistats is RETIRED and will no longer receive fixes and updates!** | Its latest release, 0.0.1rc will eb the last release, available via PyPI. | Its functionality will now be available in the release of `Nilearn`_ 0.7.0 in late 2020. .. _Nilearn: http://nilearn.github.io/ .. container:: index-paragraph Nistats is a Python module for **fast and easy functional MRI statistical analysis**. It leverages Nilearn, Nibabel and other Python libraries from the Python scientific stack like Scipy, Numpy and Pandas. .. Here we are building the carousel .. |hrf| image:: auto_examples/04_low_level_functions/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_hrf_thumb.png :target: auto_examples/04_low_level_functions/plot_hrf.html .. |design_matrix| image:: auto_examples/04_low_level_functions/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_design_matrix_thumb.png :target: auto_examples/04_low_level_functions/plot_design_matrix.html .. |first_level| image:: auto_examples/02_first_level_models/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_localizer_surface_analysis_thumb.png :target: auto_examples/02_first_level_models/plot_localizer_analysis.html .. |second_level| image:: auto_examples/03_second_level_models/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_thresholding_thumb.png :target: auto_examples/03_second_level_models/plot_thresholding.html .. |bids| image:: auto_examples/05_complete_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_bids_analysis_thumb.png :target: auto_examples/05_complete_examples/plot_bids_analysis.html .. raw:: html


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* |hrf| * |design_matrix| * |first_level| * |second_level| * |bids| .. raw:: html

.. toctree:: :hidden: authors.rst user_guide.rst auto_examples/index.rst whats_new.rst contributing.rst Nistats is part of the `NiPy ecosystem `_.