
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.

3.11.4. nistats.reporting.get_clusters_table

nistats.reporting.get_clusters_table(stat_img, stat_threshold, cluster_threshold=None, min_distance=8.0)

Creates pandas dataframe with img cluster statistics.

stat_imgNiimg-like object,

Statistical image (presumably in z- or p-scale).

stat_threshold: `float`

Cluster forming threshold in same scale as stat_img (either a p-value or z-scale value).

cluster_thresholdint or None, optional

Cluster size threshold, in voxels.

min_distance: `float`, optional

Minimum distance between subpeaks in mm. Default is 8 mm.


Table with peaks and subpeaks from thresholded stat_img. For binary clusters (clusters with >1 voxel containing only one value), the table reports the center of mass of the cluster, rather than any peaks/subpeaks.